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Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska in Place 
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Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska[X]
Place of Origin
Connecticut (1)
Illinois (2)
New York (2)
Ohio (1)
Virginia (1)
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 Claimant:  Brown, David O. 
 Place of Origin:  Ohio  
 Witnesses:  Crowley, John
Van Brunt, Rulif P.
Van Brunt, Rulof P.
 Clerk:  Norton, H. A. 
Application Date:  1887-04-19 
Final Certificate Date:  1892-04-23 
Approval Date:  1892-08-13 
Patented Date:  1892-08-27 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0231 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Gibbs, Charles W. 
 Place of Origin:  New York  
 Witnesses:  Huckleberry, Alonzo R.
Huckleberry, A. R.
Phillipson, John
 Clerk:  Norton, H. A. 
Application Date:  1887-01-27 
Final Certificate Date:  1892-09-14 
Approval Date:  1893-03-23 
Patented Date:  1893-04-08 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0292 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Mohat, John B.
Mohat, Peter
 Place of Origin:  New York  
 Witnesses:  Scanlon, Michael
Cason, Elisha
 Clerk:  M. B. C. 
Application Date:  1887-01-06 
Final Certificate Date:  1892-10-26 
Approval Date:  1892-02-14 
Patented Date:  1892-03-19 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0315 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Barnes, George W. 
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Meyers, George
Myers, George
Bradburn, Joseph
 Clerk:  Norton, H. A. 
Application Date:  1887-10-17 
Final Certificate Date:  1892-11-12 
Approval Date:  1893-06-19 
Patented Date:  1893-07-19 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0321 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Hayes, Frederick Winthrop Pearl
Hayes, Charles B. (guardian)
 Place of Origin:  Connecticut  
 Witnesses:  Cowles, William W.
Sigler, Stephen A.
Harper. William R.
 Clerk:  C. S. M 
Application Date:  1887-07-07 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-06-16 
Approval Date:  1895-04-10 
Patented Date:  1895-05-13 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0543 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Richardson, Presstman J. 
 Place of Origin:  Virginia  
 Witnesses:  Sloggett, Alfred S.
Sloggett, Alfred
Tooley, W. Allen
 Clerk:  M. B. C. 
Application Date:  1887-12-27 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-12-08 
Approval Date:  1895-02-11 
Patented Date:  1895-03-02 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0610 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Heirs of Hale, Philander
Moore, Joshua C., Administrator
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Currah, James
King, James L.
Vannice, Wesley
Vanice, Wesley
 Clerk:  J. W. A. and J. F. P, 
Application Date:  1887-03-05 
Final Certificate Date:  1895-03-29 
Approval Date:  1896-06-25 
Patented Date:  1896-07-06 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0625 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find