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 Claimant:  Hunter, Robert A. 
 Place of Origin:  Missouri  
 Witnesses:  Springstube, William
Smith, George
 Clerk:  W. B. C. 
Application Date:  1889-05-13 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-10-03 
Approval Date:  1895-01-17 
Patented Date:  1895-02-14 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0587 
 Place:  Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Purdum, John W. 
 Place of Origin:  Missouri  
 Witnesses:  Walters, William M.
Cronin, Bartholomew
 Clerk:  Gregory, C. S. 
Application Date:  1889-11-19 
Final Certificate Date:  1895-11-18 
Approval Date:  1896-01-25 
Patented Date:  1896-02-13 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0685 
 Place:  Thedford, Thomas County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Fimple, James R. 
 Place of Origin:  Missouri  
 Witnesses:  Smith, Clarence K.
Abbott, William J.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1889-12-11 
Final Certificate Date:  1896-08-15 
Approval Date:  1896-11-02 
Patented Date:  1896-11-19 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0733 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Dixon, Marilla J.
Dixon, Abel (deceased husband)
 Place of Origin:  Missouri  
 Witnesses:  Honaker, Henry A.
Honey, James E.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1889-10-22 
Final Certificate Date:  1896-11-23 
Approval Date:  1897-01-06 
Patented Date:  1897-01-23 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0756 
 Place:  Gandy, Logan County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Fimple, John W. 
 Place of Origin:  Missouri  
 Witnesses:  McAdams, Jacob W.
McAdams, Jacob
Abbott, James
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1889-04-08 
Final Certificate Date:  1896-11-23 
Approval Date:  1897-01-06 
Patented Date:  1897-01-23 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0758 
 Place:  Pullman, Cherry County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Hunter, James S.
Hunter, Celia (deceased mother)
 Place of Origin:  Missouri  
 Witnesses:  Byers, Orion L.
Hunter, Robert A.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1889-10-28 
Final Certificate Date:  1897-10-23 
Approval Date:  1899-03-14 
Patented Date:  1899-04-12 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0813 
 Place:  Pleasanton, Buffalo County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find