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1903 in date 
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 Claimant:  Teaford, Dennis 
 Place of Origin:  Indiana  
 Witnesses:  Cox, Holly
Oldham, Sandford H.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-07-15 
Final Certificate Date:  1904-11-01 
Approval Date:  1905-04-17 
Patented Date:  1906-05-09 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1420 
 Place:  Purdum, Blaine County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Parrish, William O.
Parish, William O.
 Place of Origin:  Michigan  
 Witnesses:  Crain, Homer M.
Crain, Sarah E.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-08-05 
Final Certificate Date:  1904-11-17 
Approval Date:  1905-6-28 
Patented Date:  1905-08-31 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1429 
 Place:  Mullen, Hooker County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Dawson, Louisa E. 
 Place of Origin:  Ohio  
 Witnesses:  Cook, Ansolem F.
McCormick, Charles J.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-06-08 
Final Certificate Date:  1905-04-04 
Approval Date:  1905-08-28 
Patented Date:  1905-10-10 
Claimant gender:  Female 
Final Certificate Number:  1458 
 Place:  Mullen, Hooker County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Jensen, Sayer 
 Place of Origin:  Denmark  
 Witnesses:  Stupplebeen, Martin
Armbruster, Adolph
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-01-20 
Final Certificate Date:  1906-02-24 
Approval Date:  1906-08-15 
Patented Date:  1906-09-19 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1544 
 Place:  Callaway, Custer county, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Dawson, George W. 
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Krickbaum, John
Cronin, Martin
 Clerk:  E. D. W. 
Application Date:  1903-05-20 
Final Certificate Date:  1906-12-11 
Approval Date:  1907-02-23 
Patented Date:  1907-03-08 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1635 
 Place:  Seneca, Thomas County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Kelly, Thomas F. 
 Place of Origin:  Iowa  
 Witnesses:  Hughes, Gilbert
Kelly, John T.
Kelly, John
Keely, John T.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-04-01 
Final Certificate Date:  1908-04-08 
Approval Date:  1908-09-19 
Patented Date:  1908-10-01 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1787 
 Place:  Arnold, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Parsons, Thomas F. 
 Place of Origin:  North Carolina  
 Witnesses:  Boyer, Dennis
Lowe, Henry J.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-11-28 
Final Certificate Date:  1908-04-24 
Approval Date:  1908-09-19 
Patented Date:  1908-10-01 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1791 
 Place:  Mullen, Hooker County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Story, Harriet Virginia
Story, Clabe L., deceased
 Place of Origin:  Ohio  
 Witnesses:  Zerber, Emily U.
Zerber, Emily W.
Hartgrave, Theodore
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-01-15 
Final Certificate Date:  1908-05-14 
Approval Date:  1908-10-03 
Patented Date:  1908-10-19 
Claimant gender:  Female 
Final Certificate Number:  1801 
 Place:  Elsmere, Cherry County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Beechler, Bernard J. 
 Place of Origin:  Wisconsin  
 Witnesses:  Thanel, Rudolph
Gross, George
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1903-05-02 
Final Certificate Date:  1908-06-19 
Approval Date:  1908-10-03 
Patented Date:  1908-10-19 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1812 
 Place:  Callaway, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find