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Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska[X]
Place of Origin
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 Claimant:  Kelley, Michael N. 
 Place of Origin:  Iowa  
 Witnesses:  Dooley, Peter W.
O'Brian, Patrick
 Clerk:  Norton, H. A. 
Application Date:  1886-06-16 
Final Certificate Date:  1892-10-05 
Approval Date:  1893-06-19 
Patented Date:  1893-07-19 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0303 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Guthrie, Edward 
 Place of Origin:  Ireland  
 Witnesses:  Adkins, Granville
Adkins, Grandville
Pool, Aaron
 Clerk:  Norton, H. A. 
Application Date:  1887-04-19 
Final Certificate Date:  1892-11-29 
Approval Date:  1893-06-19 
Patented Date:  1893-07-19 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0334 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Scott, Ennis C.
Scott, Ennis
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Klatt, Robert
Ackley, Warren
 Clerk:  Not available 
Application Date:  1886-05-05 
Final Certificate Date:  1893-02-17 
Approval Date:  Not available 
Patented Date:  Not available 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0362 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Phillips, James 
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Skeet, Robert
Stevenson, Thomas
 Clerk:  Fraser, E. G. 
Application Date:  1886-04-17 
Final Certificate Date:  1893-04-18 
Approval Date:  1894-05-16 
Patented Date:  1894-06-27 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0378 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Moroney, Martin
Morony, Martin
 Place of Origin:  Not available  
 Witnesses:  Moore, William
McDermott, Bernard
 Clerk:  Fraser, E. G. 
Application Date:  1886-10-06 
Final Certificate Date:  1893-09-30 
Approval Date:  1894-06-11 
Patented Date:  1894-06-27 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0443 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Wiltamuth, Nicholas
Witlmuth, Nicholas
 Place of Origin:  France  
 Witnesses:  Adkins, Samuel
Adkins, Granville
Adkins, Grandville
 Clerk:  M. B. C. 
Application Date:  1889-02-26 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-03-29 
Approval Date:  1894-09-25 
Patented Date:  1894-10-24 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0504 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Bader, Stephen 
 Place of Origin:  Germany  
 Witnesses:  Gilligan, Thomas
Gflligan Thomas J.
Daily, Alvin
 Clerk:  M. B. C. 
Application Date:  1887-08-24 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-06-23 
Approval Date:  1894-09-15 
Patented Date:  1894-11-28 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0544 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Moore, Thomas F.
Moore, Thomas
 Place of Origin:  Canada  
 Witnesses:  Moroney, Joseph
Maroney, Joseph
Hickey, Michael
 Clerk:  M. B. C. 
Application Date:  1892-03-02 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-07-21 
Approval Date:  1894-09-15 
Patented Date:  1894-11-15 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0552 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Moore, John 
 Place of Origin:  Canada  
 Witnesses:  Moroney, Joseph
Maroney, Joseph
Hickey, Michael
 Clerk:  M. B. C. 
Application Date:  1889-06-21 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-07-21 
Approval Date:  1894-09-15 
Patented Date:  1894-11-15 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0553 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Brechbuhl, John F. 
 Place of Origin:  Switzerland  
 Witnesses:  Ross, Martin J
Allen, Daniel B.
 Clerk:  W. B. C. 
Application Date:  1887-11-01 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-08-27 
Approval Date:  1895-01-16 
Patented Date:  1895-02-14 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0564 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Freeman, Joshua 
 Place of Origin:  Kentucky  
 Witnesses:  Bishop, William
Ross, William E.
 Clerk:  W. B. C. 
Application Date:  1887-11-22 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-10-06 
Approval Date:  1895-01-17 
Patented Date:  1895-02-14 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0588 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Frederick, Henry 
 Place of Origin:  New Jersey  
 Witnesses:  Spottswood, William E.
Hickman, Joseph L.
 Clerk:  M. B. C. 
Application Date:  1894-09-27 
Final Certificate Date:  1894-11-03 
Approval Date:  1895-01-17 
Patented Date:  1895-02-14 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0602 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Baird, William H. 
 Place of Origin:  Kentucky  
 Witnesses:  Scott, Ennis
Gilligan, Thomas J.
 Clerk:  May, C. S. 
Application Date:  1890-04-02 
Final Certificate Date:  1895-03-30 
Approval Date:  1895-06-03 
Patented Date:  1895-07-08 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0626 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Cory, Daniel W. 
 Place of Origin:  Indiana  
 Witnesses:  Pool, Aaron
Johnson, Elias B.
 Clerk:  C. S. M 
Application Date:  1890-12-17 
Final Certificate Date:  1895-11-22 
Approval Date:  1896-02-10 
Patented Date:  1896-03-16 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0686 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Stevenson, Thomas 
 Place of Origin:  Great Britain  
 Witnesses:  Johnson, Phillip
Phillips, James
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1888-12-14 
Final Certificate Date:  1896-11-07 
Approval Date:  1897-01-06 
Patented Date:  1897-01-23 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0752 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Haney, John F. 
 Place of Origin:  Iowa  
 Witnesses:  Johnson, Phillip
McDermott, Bernard
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1891-03-19 
Final Certificate Date:  1896-12-02 
Approval Date:  1897-01-29 
Patented Date:  1897-03-02 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0761 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Johnson, Elias B. 
 Place of Origin:  Indiana  
 Witnesses:  Street, John R.
Street, Charles M.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1890-03-07 
Final Certificate Date:  1898-03-05 
Approval Date:  1898-10-17 
Patented Date:  1898-11-16 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0841 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Richardson, William A. 
 Place of Origin:  Iowa  
 Witnesses:  Ross, Martin J.
Brechbuhl, John F.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1892-03-15 
Final Certificate Date:  1898-04-02 
Approval Date:  1898-10-17 
Patented Date:  1898-11-16 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0849 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  McGinn, James S. 
 Place of Origin:  New York  
 Witnesses:  Williams, George
Jewett, Leander H.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1892-07-18 
Final Certificate Date:  1898-09-15 
Approval Date:  1898-11-16 
Patented Date:  1898-12-12 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0895 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Thompson, George W. 
 Place of Origin:  Ohio  
 Witnesses:  Filley, Lewis
Thompson, Andrew G.
 Clerk:  Walker, F. B. 
Application Date:  1893-04-22 
Final Certificate Date:  1898-09-30 
Approval Date:  1901-11-05 
Patented Date:  1901-12-04 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0896 
 Place:  Anselmo, Custer County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
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